Watch the Video Below to Learn about the 6 MostFrequently Asked Questions About Medicare Supplements
- Will My Doctors Accept my Medicare Supplement?
- Can a Company Raise my Rates or Cancel me for Filing to many Claims?
- When is the Best Time to Enroll in a Medicare Supplement?
- I’m afraid to change plans, because I have a health condition and I do not
- want to lose my current medicare coverage if I am declined.
- Do I get a better rate going direct to a company rather than using an independent agent/broker?
- I doubt I can get coverage because I have too many heath issue?
The chart below shows basic information about the different benefits Medigap policies cover.
✔ ​= the plan covers 100% of this benefit
​X = the plan doesn’t cover this benefit
% = the plan covers that percentage of this benefit and you’re responsible for the rest
N/A = not applicable
The Medigap policy will only pay your coinsurance after you’ve paid the deductible (unless the Medigap policy also covers your deductible).